Links of Interest 10-19-20

Joe Biden’s plans will mean tens of thousands of missing jobs, thousands of dollars in new government burdens for families, and even lost revenue for state governments.


Do you want a Trump economy or a Biden economy? Both men have records in leading the country so the question isn’t a speculative one.
- The Spectator


This doesn't add up. Biden is proposing about $3 trillion in new taxes to pay for up to $11 trillion in new spending. That's a recipe for even bigger budget deficits. He's proposing more than twice as much new spending as Hillary Clinton did in 2016.
- Reason


Those who claim that spending less will cause service cutbacks are like kidnappers making ransom demands. Too many elected officials would rather have taxpayers submit to a tax increase now, or pay off bailout debt later, than do the hard work of eliminating unnecessary spending.
Wall Street Journal


Defunding the police will have unintended costs. These additional costs would fall on taxpayers, businesses, and consumers.
Iowa Field Report


Too much regulation kills middle-class jobs: Increased regulation hurts the very individuals it aims to help. On the other hand, regulatory reform focused on removing unnecessary costs increases economic growth and wages.

- National Review




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